KIDS (Kopenhagen Interactive Developmental Studies) er Københavns Universitets laboratorie for at undersøge udviklingen af børns økonomiske præferencer. Vi undersøger præferencer som risikovillighed, samarbejdsvillighed, altruisme og selvkontrol, og belyser blandt andet om børn bliver mere risikovillige med alderen, og om drenge og piger er lige konkurrencevillige.

For at afdække børns præferencer designer vi i KIDS små spil. Vi designer spillene så de er sjove, inspirerende og lærerige for børn. Det giver børn lyst til at lære mere, og forsøgene kan efterfølgende bruges i undervisningen.

KIDS hører til Økonomisk Institut, og er etableret på baggrund af en bevilling fra Carlsbergfondet.

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KIDS (Kopenhagen Interactive Developmental Studies) is the University of Copenhagens laboratory for studying the development of preferences. By conducting economic experiments with children and adolescents we investigate the development of preferences such as riskiness, pro-sociality, cooperation and selfcontrol. Our studies explore such topics as children's development of risk preferences and whether there are gender differences in competitiveness among children.

To elicit preferences with children we design economic experiments as small games. In the design we strive to make the games fun, interesting and educational for children. The games can subsequently be incorporated in the regular teachings.

KIDS is a part of the Institute of Economics and the research is supported by the Carlsberg Foundation.

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